Sunday, February 5, 2012

Distribution of Donated Milk Powder

Hjh Ainie from Project Made contacted me that she managed to get 50 cartons of baby milk powder for distribution. I was elated to know that some kids will be benefited from this contribution. The first home that benefited from the donation is Pusat Jagaan Rumah Perlindungan Sosial NCWO-YMCA Klang, which has 5 kids under their care. I have a quick chat with the elder children and gave them 5 cartons before heading to the next home.

The next home is not new to us - Padmasambhava Children Loving Association, which we have done few activities with them. I was earlier told by Angel that they have 10 kids within the age range of 1-3 (the milk powder is for kids age 1-3 only). While I was there, a group of well-wishers were there to see the home and donated groceries to the home. I gave 15 cartons to them.

Angel looking at the milk powder never hear of it before..

Visitors from Sekinchan

The last home for the day was sending the milk powder to Pusat Jagaan Anbe Sivam, I gave them 2 cartons as there is only 1 kid there.

I distributed out total of 22 cartons of the milk powder for the day, and will distribute the rest to a local church and NGO once I get confirmation. A big thank you to the sponsors who had contributed the milk powder and Hjh Ainie who managed to secure the 50 cartons for 1M1C to distribute.

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