UPDATE 01/Jul/2010 8.15pmHi Gary, test report for Baby Matthew is ok. A few germ is found, but its not affect to baby. Feeding tube is taken out, now is on oral/bottle feeding only. Last few days baby had meet up few Dr like cleft palate surgeon, ENT, speech therapist to repair his cleft palate soon. Hopefully can discharge tmr. Thx
UPDATE 28/Jun/2010 10.36pm
We cant discharge today. Dr need to follow up medical check up & X Ray. Coz Yesterday nite Matthew cry more than 3 hours. Btw, WE NEED A CONFINEMENT LADY URGENTLY, DO U HV ANYONE TO RECOMMEND?
Please send the recommnedation to 016 910 8691 (Gary will coordinate)
UPDATE 25/Jun/2010 10.50pm
Hi Gary, Dr said if everything ok, we can discharge on Monday evening, will let u know what is the time. Btw, we need to isolate to at least 1-2 months at home, when discharge we also need to move from room to house. Dr also not encourage us for too many visiting.. coz worry of infection.. Hope u understand bro, don't bring too many people
UPDATE 23/Jun/2010 3.00pmAll tubes and pipes removed. Matthew is resting well in Isolated room with Steward & Jan. IS NOT TIME TO VISIT THEM YET. Both new hand parent is struggling in learning on how to feed milk, breast feed, bottle feed, change pampers. Never easy job for every 2 hours once....... The happy thing is Matthew make it for himself, his family and all of us who care about him! God Bless.
UPDATE 22/Jun/2010 5.30pmBaby Matthew are getting better. BTW, we do ultra sound check, Dr Said he is GOOD NOW. But NOT GUARANTEE in future. We need to do CLOSE MONITORING every month / year for WHOLE LIFE. To make sure his heart condition is healthy & everything growth well. A lot of thing baby Matthew cant do in future...this make us very sad...and tired...
SUPER WOOHOO UPDATE 21/Jun/2010 11.00amHi Gary, Baby Matthew heart beat r back to normal 110 beat/min. Dr just give up to 90% for baby on recovery. So happy, hope will discharge soon. Thx Gary & Lai
WOOHOO UPDATE 18/Jun/2010 7.30pmBaby Matthew is in high dependency unit. Out from ICU! Heartbeat 80-90 beat/min
UPDATE 18/Jun/2010 1.30pmSome1 left us a comment (but don't dare to leave his BIG name there)
No money go gleneagle wat for?
Stop cheating money
I had mention 1,200,000(this number is a bit kelentong, but I m really disappointed with this fella) times, and I dun mind to repeat here again. Specialist in IJN dun dare to take up his case because the baby is 1 month+ and less than 2.8kg tat time. Only the specialist from Glenagle dare to take the case because he is very experienced and some donor called me and say once they r under Dr Lim supervision. They ask me to pass msg to the parent that they can count on Dr Lim.
And this news come out on news paper (Sin Chew and NST). Please read till the bottom b4 u make ur own assumption.
Sorry it is my mistake for not mentioning IJN in this blog
hereUPDATE 18/Jun/2010 12.00pmHi Gary,baby Matthew wake up this morning. He search for sound when Jan sing for him. He will transfer to HDU 3rd floor later if everything is fine. His heart beat still maintain on 55-60 beat/min. He is thinner now but I can feel that the is stronger. Thx Gary, u help us a lot..a lot
UPDATE 17/Jun/2010 1.30pmThe surgeon Dr Lee just visit baby Matthew, he said baby is out of DANGER. Anyway baby heart beat still low 55-60/min. Still in observation closely...WE HOPE TO DISCHARGE ASAP TOO
UPDATE 17/Jun/2010 11.30amHi Gary, NST odi published today. Baby Matthew is ok, his heart beat maintain low, last nite drop below 60 beat/min. Now back to 60-70 beat/min. Dr r still observed his condition.Most of the needle & machine is take out. He is sleep most of time..sweet..
link to NST news UPDATE 16/Jun/2010 6.00pmBaby Matthew stable. Heart beat still low, 60-70 beat/min
UPDATE 16/Jun/2010 10.30amO2 take out this morning. They r now close monitoring Baby Matthew..Heart beat r still maintain low below 70 b/min.
UPDATE 15/Jun/2010 5.10pmSms from Steward:
Just received another bill, total now up to $38k. Baby heart beat continue to drop, now it is abt 70 beat/min. If less than 70, need to use batteries.. worry
UPDATE 15/Jun/2010 3.30pmGary and Lai just come back from Gleneagle.
Steward (dad) look better now. Jan (mom) still very tired. Matthew (baby) still in ICU for monitoring. Dr will remove the oxygen tank later.
UPDATE 14/Jun/2010 11.30pmGary got this sms from Steward (the dad)
Hi Gary, just call to ICU, Baby Matthew id look like tough than what we think. Tmr Dr will remove the O2 to let him try to breath.
UPDATE 14/Jun/2010 2.10pmDr has sealed the chest and baby is still under close monitoring @ ICU.
11am surgery, 1pm done the sealing surgery.
UPDATE 14/Jun/2010 11.00amMessage from Steward Lim to update Matthew's status.
Hi, our son r now get ready to do 2nd operation, to close his chest...3 dr & 1 nurse r in the ICU room now.....
UPDATE 13/Jun/2010 9.00pmSms from Gary:
Dr take out batteries abt 5pm. They try let Matthew heart beat without using batteries. Until just now 8pm, his heart beat is abt 90-98 b/min. According to Dr this rate is acceptable. Will check again tmr whether suitable to do 2nd surgery
UPDATE 13/Jun/2010 11.30amSms from Steward:
Hi Gary, our son Matthew is wake up.. He wanted to cry & move his hand and leg!! Frm Steward
Update: 1 more surgery tmr (14/Jun/2010) 11am-2pm to seal his chest. Lets pray
UPDATE 12/Jun/2010 12.30amMatthew's heart beat (HB) was 100 and reached 200 HB / min yesterday after came out from Surgery hall and admitted to ICU for very very close monitoring.
This noon, around 1pm, Matthew's HB drop to 70HB / minutes and Dr plug in the mechanical battery to boost his heart beat to stablelize @ 100-110 HB/m.
Blood pressure maintain 84/58 @ 1pm.
Overall condition is under control and monitor very very very very very closely by nurse...one to one..almost like eyes ball matching @ ICU, level 1 bed 102. Matthew need to really rest himself after this surgery.
At the moment, is not a good time to visit him yet to avoid bacterias inflection to him.
Let's pray hard for him to survive.
UPDATE 12/Jun/2010 11.30amBaby Matthew news on
Sin ChewUPDATE 11/Jun/2010 6.12pmSteward: Surgery Successful! Baby is out and in ICU for close monitoring.
Although still in danger stage, Dr Lim is confidence on Matthew!
For believer pls help me to pray for Baby Matthew (too sad I m a free thinker)
UPDATE 11/Jun/2010 5.45pm
Steward called, Baby Matthew surgery SUCCESSFUL....!!!!
UPDATE 11/Jun/2010 3.00pm
Lai got this sms from the dad.
Hi Lai, we had discuss with my family,pls stop the donation via fb and blog.We really appreciate on ur effort to help Matthew.Please respect our decision and let NST and Sin Chew to continue for the donation on our operation cost.Thx & appreciated.
For people who wish to donate to Baby Matthew, you can donate via NST and Sin Chew. The baby news will be published soon
I had removed all account number
I will update Baby Matthew condition after 5pm, now still waiting.
Last but not least, we would like to say a BIG BIG thanks to all the donor to make all this possible.
UPDATE 11/Jun/2010
The baby will have operation on 11/Jun/2010 at 11am-5pm.
The dad will open MBB account after Friday. MBB donor please hang on there.
I try to get the other account from him
Gary will be at the hospital b4 the surgery and at 5pm to update me on Baby Matthew condition.
I will update the blog again after 5pm on Baby Matthew condition.
I (Lai Chin Lun IC 770614-14-5871) had empty my own MBB account and left RM10 inside. The couple too busy to open a MBB accout, so I loan out my own account to them until this Wednesday(16/Jun/2010). Please email to malaysia.lai@gmail.com for all the transaction you made, as I need to keep an account for it. Sorry Gary I dun follow ur advise, I will do this @ my own risk.
Hi all,
We need your help here to spread the following to get donation for baby Matthew. The young couple had a new born baby with 30days old. The baby was admitted into ICU @ Gleneagle due to heart problem.
According to the letter from the specialist, this baby suffers from:-
# Situs Solitus, AV concorance, VA disconcordance
# Overriding pulmonary atery
# VSD sub aorta and PA side by side
# Large PDA
# No Co-Artation of the aorta
# Single right SVC
# Pulmonary valves tri-leaf 1.02cm
# Aortic Valve 0.78cm
# No pulmonary regurgotation
# Mild tricuspid regurgitation
# No mitral regurgitation
# ASD - Small to moderate
Conclusion - Arterial switch Operation
As at now, the bill before surgery is already RM30k and both the couple almost finished up their savings. The heart specialist told them the baby need to go for a major heart surgery which will cost RM45k. After the surgery, the baby still need to be monitored in ICU (RM1k per day in ICU, this exclusive the medical fees).
Both the husband and wife works in a local bank. Sadly to know from both HR department is that the coverage for Child hospitalization is less than RM5k per annum. They bought an insurance for the mum during pregnancy and again was told by the insurance agent, this heart surgery for baby is not covered!
Both husband and wife bought house withdrawn from EFP account II. Hence, left no balance to be withdrawn for the child medical fees now. They are now trying very hard to sell their house to raise the fund. Based on my friend banking experience, to sell a house if you have immediate buyer, the documentation and land office transfer will need 3-6 months (at least) to fully completed.
The couple did went to IJN to seek for help from the specialist. Too bad they don't dare to take up the case because of lack of equipment, baby is just 1month+ and less than 2.8kg. Dr Lim from Gleneagle is a specialist in baby and kids heart and they have the needed equipment there. Sometimes we really dun have choice. They need to do the operation very soon and can't afford to waste any much time to travel and ask around. Put urself to their shoe and u will know how it feel.
Action Required :-
We would like to collect a total of RM100k, and we hope by collecting RM10 (a cost of your lunch perhaps) per person, we will be able to reach the target amount. We hope you can help to donate and spread this news so that we can provide the money for baby Matthew operation.
We need to collect RM45k by 11/Jun/2010 (Friday) so baby Matthew can have his major operation done. Subsequent donation is needed for his recovery (and believe me heart problem is a prolong treatment, that why I plan to get another RM60k for him). This will at least ease the young couple finance for 2-3months.